What we do
The Older Person’s Outpatient Service supports those living with a recent dementia diagnosis in the community. This nurse-led service supports the individual living with dementia and their family, friends or carers following a diagnosis.
Upon admission to the service, our multidisciplinary (MDT) team provide a comprehensive assessment and all patients receive an individual tailor-made programme to suit their needs.
Attending our outpatient dementia support service
There are two aspects of our services for patients and we also provide a support group for carers.

Dementia Support Service (DSS):
- We meet with the patient and their chosen family member or friend three times during the first-year post-diagnosis. During these visits, you will meet with the Advanced Nurse Practitioner and other members of the multi-disciplinary team as required.
- If due to restrictions, an in-person meeting cannot take place – a virtual clinic may be offered. As/when COVID-19 restrictions allow, group sessions to offer peer support may also take place. We also offer phone-support at an agreed time on a weekly basis. Supports provided include the below:
- Emotional support following a recent diagnosis – understanding the illness and symptoms.
- Support with general queries that arise following a new diagnosis such as driving guidance.
- Practical solutions to manage issues such as incontinence, skin care and coping with irritability / personality changes.
- Support with queries in relation to new medication(s).
- Signposting to places where support / activities are available, e.g. Alzheimer’s society, ALONE, Dementia cafes, Medical Social Work, Public Health Nurse, Medical Teams, GP, OT.
- Person centred planning – such as advance care decision making and Enduring Power of Attorney.
- Support, reassurance and information for carers.
- We also provide a dementia respite service within our residential care unit Anna Gaynor House (AGH). Please liaise with your programme lead for further information.
Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST):
- CST is a group treatment that consists of themed activities to provide stimulation for thinking, concentration and memory. These activities support new learning and help to improve quality of life with benefits such as:
- Keeping the brain active.
- It may improve memory and concentration.
- Providing a supportive environment for social interaction.
- Improving communication.
- Focussing on strengths rather than difficulties.
- A chance to meet new people, reminisce & have fun.
- Each patient has a CST session once a week for 7 weeks including a pre and post assessment which will involve you and a family member / carer meeting with the Occupational Therapist the week before and after the programme.
Support Group for Carers
- This group is for family members who have a significant carer role with their spouse / partner / parent / sibling who live with dementia. The purpose of the group is to:
- To provide support to those who have to adjust to a changing carer role while their loved one copes with dementia.
- To recognise the efforts made as carers and to value the care they continue to provide.
- To provide a place where carers can meet and speak with other caregivers going through similar experiences.
- To provide carers with an opportunity to learn more about dementia.
- To encourage carers to examine and look after their own individual needs in order to safeguard their health and wellbeing.
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Our specialist team
Our expert multidisciplinary team work together to ensure that our patients, families and carers have a positive experience and benefit from their time with us.
How to be referred
If you feel that you or someone you are caring for would benefit from our outpatient dementia support service, please ask your GP or Medical Consultant to complete our referral form and send it to us.
Contact us
Dementia Support Service
Christine Dalton
Phone: 085 711 0361
Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST)
Occupational Therapy
Phone: 01 406 8711
Support Group for Carers
Gabrielle Corbett
Senior Social Worker and Group Facilitator
Phone: 01 406 8812
Advanced Nurse Practitioner and Group Facilitator
Christine Dalton
Phone: 085 711 0361