Our specialist team:
Our expert multidisciplinary team (MDT) work together to ensure that you benefit fully from your time with us. Following admission, patients are assessed by our nursing, medical and therapy team to create an individual care plan. We invite all our patients to have an input in making decisions about their treatment plan and the following are some of the team members you may encounter during your time with us:
- Medical team
- Nursing team
- Physiotherapists
- Occupational therapists
- Medical social workers
- Pharmacy
- Patient services department
- Household, catering, maintenance, security and grounds staff
- Volunteers
- Students

Medical team
Our consultant rheumatologists work with acute general hospitals and our unit to ensure the best possible care is given to each of our patients. One of these consultants will be responsible for your care, and their role will include the coordination of your treatment programme with us.
Our consultant rheumatologists lead a multidisciplinary ward round each week, during which your case will be discussed with you. In general, any treatment updates such as treatment change decisions, any additional investigations required, and discharge dates are discussed and agreed at this time.
Nursing Team
Our team includes nurses, clinical nurse specialists, advanced nurse practitioners and health care assistants, with a special interest and expertise in caring for those with rheumatologic and musculoskeletal conditions.
The nursing team provide direct patient care and support to you and your family, your loved ones and/or your carer(s) and aim to support you with the management of your symptoms and/or reduced function.
The nursing team will support you in learning about your disease and assist with information in relation to diagnosis and investigations. They also work with all other members of the healthcare team in planning your discharge and arranging suitable follow-up care when your programme of care with us is completed.

The physiotherapists in RMDU work as part of the multidisciplinary team to help patients manage their condition and achieve their functional goals. The main focus of treatment is on self-management education and exercise.
Each patient is assessed on the day of admission. This involves listening to patients to understand how their condition is impacting their lives. It also involves looking at the patient’s joints, muscles, mobility and balance. Based on this assessment and in collaboration with the patient, an individually tailored treatment programme is designed to address a patient’s main issues. The physiotherapist works with the patient to help lessen the impact of pain on their lives, by building strategies to enable them to live and function well with their condition.
There are two main ways to attend the service:
- In-patient admission: This is normally a 2-week admission. Patients attend the Physiotherapy Department for daily therapy, which involves one to one sessions. There are also group exercise classes, such as a balance class and Tai Chi class.
- Out-patient Service: Patients attend scheduled appointments on an outpatient basis. The number of outpatient sessions can vary and is dependent on the patient’s needs.
Patients also attend the Aquatic Physiotherapy service if it is appropriate for their needs.
Prior to discharge from the service, a home exercise programme is discussed with the patient, along with a plan of action to help them continue to achieve their goals into the future. Referrals may be made to community physiotherapy services if deemed necessary.
Aquatic Physiotherapy
An important part of our Physiotherapy Department is our aquatic (pool based) physiotherapy service. Aquatic physiotherapy provides patients with an opportunity to exercise in a warm heated pool under the supervision of a qualified physiotherapist. It is suitable for both swimmers and non-swimmers and there are many benefits for the patient such as:
- Offloading of weight bearing joints
- Ease of movement in the water
- Reduced discomfort on movement
- Practice of balance and coordination in a safe environment
- Practice of functional movement patterns e.g., sit to stand, steps
- Maintain cardiovascular fitness when challenging to do so on land
- A sense of relaxation and wellbeing

Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapists (OT’s) in RMDU work with individuals whose everyday activities have been impacted by their condition in both our in-patient and out-patient services. We aim to maximise participation in these activities and achieve this by providing education and advice, modifying the task, or by adapting the environment.
Your OT will complete a comprehensive assessment with you and together you will set goals after which your OT will design a specific treatment plan to help you to achieve these goals. Standard OT interventions can include:
- Self-management education to help you manage symptoms of pain, fatigue, stress, poor sleep, memory health and relaxation
- Symptom management educational groups focusing on stress management, relaxation, and lifestyle management for arthritis
- Vocational rehabilitation interventions to optimise your participation in work and education
- Upper limb assessment and management
- Advice on modifying tasks or use of aids to optimise your functional ability to complete your activities of daily living
- Rapid access pathways for those requiring hand therapy and / or vocational rehabilitation through our specialist outpatient service
Medical Social Workers
Our Medical Social Workers understand that illness effects everyone differently. We offer support and counselling to patients and their families to assist with social, psychological, emotional, or practical issues you may have as a result of your illness and your particular situation.
This may include talking through worries arising from your illness, or planning for end of life care; facilitating family meetings; advising on how to talk to children about serious illness; assisting in organising future care and providing information on entitlements and community-based support services, or advocating on your behalf. As part of the social work service, we also provide bereavement support and counselling to adults and children.
If you would like to see the Medical Social Worker, you can ask a member of the multi-disciplinary team to refer you upon your admission to the service.

Clinical pharmacists visit RMDU patients to review prescriptions, advise on treatments and support the multidisciplinary team. The pharmacist may check medicines upon admission and discuss them with patients to ensure they get the best out of their medicines while under our care.
Patient Services Department
The Patient Services Department comprises:
- Admissions office
- Clinical administration support staff
- Medical secretarial staff
- Ward clerks
- Healthcare records department
The Patient Services administration team work together to provide an efficient and high-quality service to patients attending our RMDU services.

Household, catering, maintenance, security and grounds staff
Our team work across all aspects of the hospice to ensure your time with us is as comfortable as possible.
As a teaching facility with links to Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin and other third level institutions, healthcare students from different disciplines come to us to train and you will meet them throughout our service.

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What we do
Our expert team work closely with patients to manage their disease and symptoms to achieve the best quality of life possible.
How to be referred
Patients requiring our specialist support are referred to RMDU by their Consultant Rheumatologist.
Contact RMDU
All RMDU enquiries
Ph: 01 406 8808