Our expert multidisciplinary team (MDT) works together to ensure that you benefit fully from your time with us. We invite all our patients to have an input in making decisions about their care plan. The following are some of the team members you may encounter during your time with us:
- Medical team
- Nursing team including Health Care Assistants
- Physiotherapy
- Occupational Therapy
- Psychiatry of older age professionals
- Pharmacist
- Medical Social Workers
- Pastoral Care
- Patient Services Department
- Household, catering, maintenance, security and grounds staff
- Volunteers

Medical Team
Our Consultants are responsible for your care during your time with us.
Nursing Team
Our team includes nurses, clinical nurse specialists, advanced nurse practitioners and health care assistants, with a special interest and expertise in caring for older people.
The nursing team will provide direct patient care and support to you and your family, your loved ones and/or your carer(s). The team aim to help you with pain management and/or any other symptoms that reduce or impair function.

The role of the physiotherapist in CRU is to help each patient to achieve and maintain maximum physical function and well-being. On admission, each person is assessed in order to identify any physical problems limiting their functional independence and an individualised exercise programme is compiled. Patients attend the gym on a daily basis to undertake their individual programme and also participate in a range of daily classes, education sessions and mobility practice sessions.
Treatments provided include an exercise prescription, manual therapy, education, falls prevention and hydrotherapy in our swimming pool.
Occupational Therapists (OT’s)
The focus of the Occupational Therapy Service in CRU is to support patients to maximise their potential to participate in everyday activities and to continue living well at home and in the community. Occupational Therapy can enhance independence and quality of life through assessment, goal setting and intervention responsive to changing individual needs.
Occupational Therapy input is delivered through 1:1 and group session. This may include:
- Assessment and adaptations of ADLs
- Symptom management education (fatigue/anxiety/breathlessness)
- Cognitive assessment and interventions
- Home assessment and subsequent recommendations/equipment provision
- Community referrals and liaison with external agencies
- Facilitating access to meaningful engagement in activities

Psychiatry of older age
A psychiatry of older age service is accessed on a referral basis through our visiting consultant for psychiatrist who attends weekly MDT meetings.
Clinical pharmacists visit CRU patients to review prescriptions, advise on treatments and support the multidisciplinary team. The pharmacist may check medicines upon admission and discuss them with patients to ensure they get the best out of their medicines during their stay.

Medical Social Workers
Our social workers offer counselling and psychosocial support to assist with any social, emotional or practical issues our patients may have. This may include talking through worries arising from illness, providing information on entitlements or advocating on behalf of a patient.
Pastoral Care
The pastoral care team provide a listening and compassionate presence in which the patient is at the centre of the holistic care provided.
Healthcare chaplains explore what gives meaning to our residents and focus on their values and experiences in life.
Healthcare chaplains have strong backgrounds in multi-faith dialogue and have access to resources that help promote respect and inclusion in patient centred care.

Patient Services
The Patient Services Department comprises:
- Admissions office
- Clinical administration support staff
- Medical secretarial staff
- Ward clerks
- Healthcare Records Department
The Patient Services administration team work together to provide an efficient and high-quality service to patients attending CRU.
Household, catering, maintenance, security and grounds staff
Our team work across all areas of the hospice to ensure your time with us is as comfortable as possible.

Our Lady’s Hospice & Care Services is extremely privileged to have the wonderful support of almost 400 volunteers across our three sites of Harold’s Cross, Blackrock and Wicklow. Our team of volunteers are engaged in all areas of the organisation and without this support we would not be able to provide the range of services that we offer to our patients, residents and their families and loved ones.
As a teaching facility with links to Trinity College Dublin, University College Dublin and other third level institutions, healthcare students from different disciplines come to us to train and you will meet them throughout our service.

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What we do
We provide tailored rehabilitation programmes in our in-patient unit for frail over-65s currently living at home.
How to be referred
If you feel you would benefit from our tailored rehabilitation programmes in CRU, please ask your GP or Medical Consultant to complete our referral form and send it to us.