Registration, constitution and structure
Our Lady’s Hospice & Care Services is a registered charity in Ireland.
Registered Charity Number or RCN 20001827.
Charity Number or CHY 1144.
Constituted as a Designated Activity Company or DAC – Company Registration Number 352404.
Board of Directors
OLH&CS is funded by the HSE to provide a defined level of service on its behalf and is a section 38 provider managed by a voluntary Board of Directors.
OLH&CS is governed by an independent Board of Directors who serve in a voluntary capacity and meet at least five times a year. In compliance with the Memorandum of Association. No salary, fees or other remuneration is paid to Board Directors. The Directors are responsible for the management of the business of the company and for exercising their powers in pursuit of the charitable objectives of the company.
The Directors are committed to maintaining the highest standard of corporate governance and this is reflected in the emphasis on transparency, accountability and effectiveness in all aspects of services.
The Board of Directors delegate the day-to-day operations of the company to the Chief Executive Officer (CEO). The CEO is not a member of the Board and there are no employee representatives on the Board.
The Directors are responsible for:
- Entrepreneurial Leadership - Providing effective leadership of the Hospice within a framework of prudent and effective controls.
- Strategic Direction - Setting the strategic direction of the Hospice, in light of the ethos and values that underpin the organisation, as established by the Religious Sisters of Charity.
- Oversee and Monitor Performance - Approve, monitor and review organisational performance.

Directors and Company Secretary
The Board is comprised of not less than two and no more than 13 Directors. Members of the Board are subject to retirement by rotation having held office for six years consecutively. To ensure continuity of organisational knowledge and specialist expertise, Board members can be reappointed for a further six years if required.
Lorcan Birthistle has been Chair of the Board of Directors since 2021.
Minutes of Board Meetings
Our Lady’s Hospice & Care Services retrospectively post the minutes of the Board of Directors. There may be redacted sections of the minutes, and all redactions are in compliance with exemption regulations. To read more about Freedom of Information (FOI) please see here – Freedom of Information Act, 1997 (
The Board of Directors meets every two months, and holds an Annual General meeting once each year.
Board Sub-Committees
To support its governance activities the Board of Directors has established a number of sub-committees, who provide specialist advice and report directly to the Board. Each of the eight committees has its own terms of reference and its members serve in a voluntary capacity. Each committee is Chaired by a Board Director and includes external experts who offer their time and expertise in a voluntary capacity as well as relevant hospice staff.
The Board Sub-Committees in Our Lady’s Hospice & Care Services are as follows:
- Clinical Governance
- Audit & Finance
- Capital
- Remuneration
- Nominations
- Fundraising
Staff and management
Reporting to the Board of Directors and supporting the Chief Executive Officer in Our Lady’s Hospice & Care Services is a Management Team.
The Management Team provides leadership and management of the Hospice and effectively manages and oversee the daily operations. It develops and manages the implementation of strategic and annual organisational plans. This team manages the resources of the Hospice to achieve strategic and annual goals. It works together as a cohesive team towards the achievement of the objectives of the Hospice.
Executive Team
Registration, Constitution and Structure
Our Lady’s Hospice & Care Services (OLH&CS) is a registered Charity in Ireland (Registered Charity Number or RCN 20001827 / Charity Number or CHY 1144) and is constituted as a Designated Activity Company or DAC (Company Registration Number 352404).
Registered office
Our Lady’s Hospice & Care Services, Harold’s Cross Rd, Harold’s Cross, Dublin 6W, D6W RY72
Crowe Ireland, 40 Mespil Road, Dublin 4, D04 C2N4
Bank of Ireland, 1 Rathfarnham Road, Terenure, Dublin 6
Woodcock Solicitors, 16 Clanwiliam Terrace, Grand Canal Quay, Dublin 2
Company Secretary
Crescent Trust Co. Unlimited Company, One Spencer Dock, North Wall Quay, Dublin 1.
Directors & Staff Code of Standards and Behaviour
A framework for the Corporate and Financial Governance of the HSE was approved by the Minister for Health and Children in 2008.
The provisions of the HSE ‘Code of Standards and Behaviours’ introduced in accordance with section 25(3) of the Health Act 2004 and the Ethics in Public Office Acts 1995 to 2001 applies to employees directly employed by the HSE and agencies funded by the HSE, including Our Lady’s Hospice & Care Services (OLH&CS). This code represents an adaptation of the HSE Code to ensure the relevant provisions are applied to both Directors and Staff of OLH&CS.
2017 – 2022 Strategic Plan
Guiding the delivery of our specialist services, is our organisational strategic plan: A Five Year Plan to Enhance Our Care 2017-2022. It is ambitious and progressive and strives to provide the best quality of life for our patients and residents. It set out to integrate our approach to the delivery of care across our three specialisms.
1. Be a leader in providing quality and safe services, make a difference to patients and families and build upon our reputation for excellence.
2. Commit to developing and continually improving our clinical and corporate infrastructure and process.
3. Ensure strong clinical and corporate governance to deliver high quality, safe care and demonstrate effective stewardship of public funds.
4. Embrace a system-wide perspective, working closely with partners, patients/residents and healthcare staff to help meet growing demand.
Annual reports & audited accounts
To view copies of our recent and previous annual reports or audited accounts please click on the links below.

Our 2023 Gender Pay Gap Report
Equality, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) is a priority for OLH&CS. It is an important part of who we are, what we do and how we do it. We welcome the opportunity to publish our Gender Pay Gap Report for 2023 and make it available to everyone, including our staff, volunteers, residents, patients, their loved ones, our supporters, and community.
Past Gender Pay Gap Reports