Mr Dermot Ryan
Dermot Ryan has significant experience as a senior civil and public servant in a diverse range of roles. His most recent role was as an Assistant Secretary General, in the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY). This role included governance and performance, including of state agencies, corporate functions, encompassing budgetary negotiation and oversight of the Vote, internal and external HR, ICT and procurement.
He has broad experience in:
- financial control, budgetary reporting, corporate governance, audit and risk;
- delivering on all aspects of strategy, policy and legislation through formulation, drafting and implementation/enactment;
- the design, implementation of change management systems and leading organisations through policy, strategic and regulatory change measures;
- developing solution focused approaches to dealing with the significant challenges involved in dealing with competing stakeholder interests, both within civil/public service and also semi-state and private sectors;
- he has significant experience at the highest levels in negotiation and litigation at National and European levels and is experienced in dealing with media and communication challenges.
He was the first CEO of the Health Insurance Authority, the regulator of private health insurance in Ireland. Mr. Ryan has held Board membership on a number of statutory and non-statutory Boards, including audit, risk and finance board committees.
Dermot is a graduate of UCD and Trinity College Dublin and has completed executive programmes at the JFK School of Government, Harvard; the Said Business School, Oxford University; Smurfit Business School UCD, Roffey Park Institute.