Opioids Archives - Our Lady's Hospice & Care Services

Palliative Meds Info - Opioids

Morphine Sulphate (Topical)

What is the evidence for the use of morphine solution for injection mixed in gel and applied topically?

Fentanyl CSCI

The Use of Fentanyl in a Syringe Pump in Palliative Medicine

Opioids – Changing Routes of Administration

Opioids - Changing Routes of Administration

Opioid Transdermal Patches

Opioid Transdermal Patches

Multiple Fentanyl Patches

How many transdermal fentanyl patches can be applied at one time?

Opioid conversion chart

Opioid conversion chart

Frequency of Fentanyl Patch Changes

Can transdermal fentanyl patches be changed every 48 hours instead of every 72 hours?

Methadone in Palliative Medicine

The use of methadone in palliative medicine

Disposal of Opioid Patches

What is the correct way of disposing of a fentanyl transdermal patch?

Methadone conversion: SC to Oral

How do you convert methadone from a subcutaneous dose to an equivalent oral dose?

Methadone conversion: Oral to SC

How do you convert methadone from an oral dose to an equivalent subcutaneous dose?

Opioid Related Allergies

A patient presents with an allergy to an opioid, can an alternative opioid be prescribed?

Opioid Induced Itch

Will opioid rotation resolve and opioid induced itch?

Tramadol: Opioid Equivalence

What is the opioid conversion between tramadol and morphine?

Alfentanil CSCI

The Use of Alfentanil in a Syringe Driver in Palliative Medicine

Morphine Sulphate (Oral)

The Use of Oral Morphine Sulphate in Palliative Care

Oramorph® for breathlessness: Patient Information Leaflet

Oramorph® for breathlessness: Patient Information Leaflet

Methadone: From Hospice to Home

To receive our document, Methadone: From Hospice to Home, please click the read more link below to fill out the request form.